Katrin I Andreasson Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), a potent lipid signaling molecule, modulates inflammatory responses through activation of downstream G-protein coupled EP1-4 receptors.
Qian Wang1, Katrin Andreasson1 McCullough, L., Wu, L., Haughey, N. Neuroprotective Function of the PGE2 EP2 Receptor in Cerebral
Proceedings of the National The hormone, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), Having isolated the role played by PGE2, Andreasson and her team then set out to see if there was a way to counteract its negative effects. PGE2 has four separate counterpart receptors, designated EP1 through EP4, each of which sets in motion a different set of activities inside cells on binding to PGE2. Andreasson’s team used a mouse model of stroke to show that activating one of these receptors, EP4, after a traumatic brain event such as a stroke can be very beneficial. Katrin I Andreasson. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), a potent lipid signaling molecule, modulates inflammatory responses through activation of downstream G-protein coupled EP1-4 receptors. Having isolated the role played by PGE2, Andreasson and her team then set out to see if there was a way to counteract its negative effects.
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20 Jan 2021 Treating mice with a drug that suppresses PGE2 activity, restored their metabolism to youthful levels and reduced inflammation. Prof Andreasson 27 Oct 2015 PGE2 can bind 4 prostaglandin E receptors (EP), designated Andreasson K. Emerging roles of PGE2 receptors in models of neurological dis-. PGE2 release and ameliorated microglial phagocytosis after EMF exposure. Liang X, Wang Q, Hand T, Wu L, Breyer RM, Montine TJ, Andreasson K. Deletion model of cerebral ischemia.
Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice. “It’s a double-whammy—a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson says.
“It’s a double-whammy — a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson said. The resulting exponential increase in PGE2-EP2 binding amps up intracellular processes associated with inflammation in the myeloid cells. Once PGE2 binds to EP2 it creates inflammation. According to the press release; “Andreasson’s team cultured macrophages, a class of myeloid cells situated in tissues throughout the body, from people older than 65 and compared them with macrophages from people younger than 35.
Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice. “It’s a double-whammy — a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson said. The resulting exponential increase in PGE2-EP2 binding amps up intracellular processes associated with inflammation in the myeloid cells.
It’s a double whammy – a positive feedback loop.
“It’s a double-whammy — a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson said. The resulting exponential increase in PGE2-EP2 binding amps up intracellular processes associated with inflammation in the myeloid cells. Once PGE2 binds to EP2 it creates inflammation. According to the press release; “Andreasson’s team cultured macrophages, a class of myeloid cells situated in tissues throughout the body, from people older than 65 and compared them with macrophages from people younger than 35. They also looked at macrophages of young versus old mice
Having isolated the role played by PGE2, Andreasson and her team then set out to see if there was a way to counteract its negative effects. They administered to mice two experimental compounds that can block the EP2 receptor and found it reversed the metabolic problems seen in older macrophages -- restoring their more youthful behaviour and preventing destructive inflammatory activity. Katrin I Andreasson.
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Which makes them valid wound relievers. But Andreasson needed to realise why they are able bring on strokes. 2021-01-22 · Having isolated PGE2’s role, Andreasson and her team then set out to see if there was a way to counteract its negative effects. Advertisement. Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice.
“It’s a double-whammy—a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson says. Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice. “It’s a double-whammy — a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson said.
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Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice. “It’s a double-whammy — a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson said. The resulting exponential increase in PGE2-EP2 binding amps up intracellular processes associated with inflammation in the myeloid cells.
The Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice. "It's a double-whammy—a positive feedback loop," Andreasson said.
The hormone, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), Having isolated the role played by PGE2, Andreasson and her team then set out to see if there was a way to counteract its negative effects.
The experimental drugs used in the study to block PGE2-EP2 binding, for example, are not at all ready for human clinical use. Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice. “It’s a double-whammy—a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson says. The PGE2 exerts its downstream effects by signaling through a class of four distinct G-protein-coupled E-prostanoid receptors (EP1-EP4) that have divergent effects on cAMP. EP2 and EP3 are dominantly expressed in ventral spinal cord in neurons and astrocytes, and activation of these receptor subtypes individually or in combination also rescued Andreasson and her colleagues also confirmed significant increases of PGE2 levels in the blood and brains of old mice. “It’s a double-whammy — a positive feedback loop,” Andreasson said. The resulting exponential increase in PGE2-EP2 binding amps up intracellular processes associated with inflammation in the myeloid cells.
Johansson JU(1)(2), Woodling NS(1)(3), Shi J(1)(4), Andreasson KI(1).