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Download free maps and mods for Payday 2! Payday 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter video game developed by Overkill Software and published by 505 Games.

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5. PAYDAY 2 will then start in VR. Payday 2, when first released, allowed players to control one of four pseudonymous robbers, three of these returned from Payday: The Heist: former Chicago mobster Dallas (portrayed by Eric Etebari, voiced by Simon Kerr), ex-Swedish software developer Wolf (Ulf Andersson), and rogue Navy SEAL and mercenary Chains (Damion Poitier). Idag släpps PayDay 2 och det vill utvecklarna av spelet påminna oss om genom att släppa loss den här launchtrailern med en ganska så stämningsfull musik och där allt går i slow motion. PAYDAY 2 PAYDAY 2: Workshop Skins are something that adds that little extra something to PAYDAY 2. And we love seeing you making them!